Saturday, July 07, 2007

Let's get this party (read: blog) started...

Well guys, I have had this site for quite awhile now and have failed to maximize its potential. It's time to change that.

You can now expect updates several times weekly!

Here are my three main goals for the site:

1. Keep friends up to date on things happening in my life (whether as a student at Grove City College, an intern in Washington, DC, or as a brother and a son in Oak Ridge, NC).

2. Discuss, debate, and share ideas on any and all aspects of politics, public policy, current events, and anything else that comes to mind (movies, music, etc.)

3. Do so from a principled, conservative standpoint.

Here goes nothing!


At 10:44 PM, March 09, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, it may be time to re-evaluate these goals... and determine if one's schedule possibly may not allow for frequent updates :) But I think you should keep your blog alive. People do care about what you're doing.


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